Thuh Thuh Thuh Thuh Thirteen! He Was Only Thirteen! This Is Rare, Though, Because This Case Involves An Older Female With A Teenage Boy. It's Typically The Other Way Around, In Which An Older Male Develops A Sexual Relationship With A Teenage Girl And It's This Way For Evolutionary Reasons. What Are Those Evolutionary Reasons? This: Females Are Fertile For A Shorter Period Of Their Life. Their Reproductive Lifespan Only Lasts From About Their Early Teens To Their Late 40s, So Males Try To Take Advantage Of These Fertile Years As Early As They Can, By Developing Relationships With Females Once They Reach Menarche. Hence You See A Preponderance Of Older Male With Under-Aged Girl Court Cases As Opposed To The Opposite!
And A Lovely Family So Many Years Later!
Natalie Thiem Mozaryn, Is That You?!
Thuh Thuh Thuh Thuh Thirteen! He Was Only Thirteen!
"From The Skin Flute To The Real Flute" - Doug Flutie
when you 25 dating a 17 year old 

Pedophilia is now seen as a biological disorder with prenatal origins, and not as the repetition compulsion of an "abused abuser."
The Pedophile Brain
In a study of women's facial features, Doug Jones measured various facial proportions, combined them into a single composite index and then correlated this index against age to produce a shape-for-age relationship. He then used this to predict the facial shape that an average woman of a given age would be expected to have. Comparing this predicted shape to a woman's actual shape gave a simple index of relative neoteny. When the faces were rated for attractiveness by subjects from five different cultural groups, he found that the ratings of female attractiveness increased as the difference between their predicted and actual ages increased: women whose predicted age was less than their actual age were considered more attractive. He then went on to do an analysis of the faces of magazine models. Compared against a standard shape-for-age graph, these women had faces that were the equivalent of a seven-year-old's. Their faces were exaggeratedly neotenised. In effect, facial neoteny appears to be a supernormal cue of youth the result of males choosing younger and younger-looking faces. Half hidden beneath this would seem to be a rather disturbing, if sad, explanation for paedophilia.(The Science Of Love)

In women, it is large pupils and widely spaced eyes, high cheekbones, a small chin and upper lip and a generous mouth that most men find attractive. Many of these female traits are characteristic of children and could signal youth and hence higher fertility.
"I Ain't Never Seen A 70 Year Old Hoe Witta 18 Year Old Pimp, But I Seen A 70 Year Old Pimp Witta 18 Year Old Hoe!" - Pomona Pimpin' Young (Silky Slim)
The Pedophile Brain
Have you ever felt sexually attracted to children, but not acted on it? This anonymous research may help others.
Mysteries of the Mind: The Pedophile's Brain (HD)
In a study of women's facial features, Doug Jones measured various facial proportions, combined them into a single composite index and then correlated this index against age to produce a shape-for-age relationship. He then used this to predict the facial shape that an average woman of a given age would be expected to have. Comparing this predicted shape to a woman's actual shape gave a simple index of relative neoteny. When the faces were rated for attractiveness by subjects from five different cultural groups, he found that the ratings of female attractiveness increased as the difference between their predicted and actual ages increased: women whose predicted age was less than their actual age were considered more attractive. He then went on to do an analysis of the faces of magazine models. Compared against a standard shape-for-age graph, these women had faces that were the equivalent of a seven-year-old's. Their faces were exaggeratedly neotenised. In effect, facial neoteny appears to be a supernormal cue of youth the result of males choosing younger and younger-looking faces. Half hidden beneath this would seem to be a rather disturbing, if sad, explanation for paedophilia.(The Science Of Love)

In women, it is large pupils and widely spaced eyes, high cheekbones, a small chin and upper lip and a generous mouth that most men find attractive. Many of these female traits are characteristic of children and could signal youth and hence higher fertility.
There are at least two separate reasons why large eyes are part of ideal female beauty. First, as briefly mentioned in a previous post, large eyes (along with fuller lips, large foreheads, and smaller chins) are indicators of high levels of estrogen. And women who have higher levels of estrogen have easier time conceiving than women who have lower levels of estrogen. Women with larger eyes therefore on average make better mates than women with smaller eyes.
The second reason is that large eyes are a neotenous feature (characteristic of children and babies). Because human eyes do not grow in size during development as much as the rest of the face and the head does, the size of the eye relative to the face decreases as we grow. As we all know, babies (and infants of other mammalian species) have relatively large eyes compared to older children and adults. And, as a result, people (both men and women) who have large eyes are often perceived to be younger than they really are. (How old do you estimate the woman in this picture is, for example?) Because, as I explain in a previous post, men prefer younger women, they tend to prefer women with neotenous features, such as large eyes. That is another reason large eyes (typical of babies and children) are part of ideal female beauty.
Now you may balk at this explanation for the appeal of women with large eyes to men. You may (correctly) point out that men are not trying to mate with babies and small children; that would be highly maladaptive because they are not fecund. So, you may ask, why do men prefer women who, in essence, look like babies?
Probably the same process occurs with men’s preference for women with neotenous features. Because men prefer to mate with younger women, women come to possess more and more neotenous features, which make them look not only nubile and pubescent but eventually prepubescent, childlike and even infantlike. Men’s preference for blonde hair may have gone through a similar runaway selection. As PT Senior Editor Carlin Flora has pointed out to me before, many young blond children cease to be blond and their hair turns dark long before they reach puberty (as Carlin's did). So by preferring to mate with women with light blonde hair, men are often (maladaptively) attracted to prepubescent children. Their preference for women with large eyes may similarly be maladaptive. But men’s preference for women with neotenous features, and women’s possession of such features, may nonetheless have evolved via runaway selection.
This trend is explained in part by rich folk reverting to forager ways, in particular to more sexual promiscuity. From Evolutionary Biology of Human Female Sexuality:
Adolescent females with exaggerated [fertility] ornaments in nonhuman primates exhibit and elicit from males relatively little sexual interest. Human adolescent females appear to differ in these respects. This difference is likely another manifestation of the profound implications of long-term pair bonding in humans. Human female lifetime reproductive success has historically been influenced by [their] ability to attract male attention during adolescence. Men’s sexual interest in adolescent females reflects the fact that, typically, their reproductive success achieved through pair bonds was not maximized by attending solely to cues of current fertility but also to cues of [future] reproductive ability. [p.124]
Pedophilic offenders were somewhat shorter than other sexual offenders. …
As men grow older, the age-range of their considered sexual partners widens, while women continue to prefer slightly older men.
Those of you familiar with human genealogical records may realize and understand that 11,12 or 13 year-old brides were quite common a few hundred years ago. Ironically, the legal “age of consent” in most U.S. states has progressively increased as the age of sexual maturity has declined. The age of maturity of girls (age of menarche) has decreased to a world wide average of ~11+ years today from an average of ~16 years or more 100 years ago. During the last 50 years, the legal age of consent in the U.S. has increased in many states from an age of 14 or 16 up to 18 and in at least one state the age of consent is 21. One has to wonder about the Constitutionality of a law allowing state control of citizens who have been old enough to vote for 3 years. (The same issue also applies to voting and drinking age statutes.) No better evidence of social activism and the unholy mixture of religion and politics can be found. This appears to be based upon social and political ideologies bringing together the fringes of the American political spectrum from the extremely liberal left wing of the women’s movement to the extreme right wing of the religious conservatives into common purpose for completely different and opposite reasons. This is not the only instance where these two groups who allegedly hate each other are pulling in the same direction! The possible mechanisms causing the relatively sudden decline in the age of menarche of girls after hundreds of years of stability is intriguing. The best bet for this change is artificial lighting and radiation from various technological sources ranging from cathode ray tubes of old fashioned televisions and computers. It should be observed that a large percentage of the world’s population lives in huge megacities whose skies are never dark. Although human brains are not quite as subject to optical radiation as birds, the optically sensitive pineal gland of both birds and humans responds to increasing optical radiation by the secretion of hormones directly affecting the release of sexual hormones (LH and FSH) of the pituitary. The process of increasing length of day and increasing radiation activates sexual behavior in birds. The same mechanism may operate in developing human brains resulting in an earlier increase in sexual hormone output from the pituitary. This phenomenon probably accounts for the tradition of spring as a season of romance and June as a month for weddings. The human pineal gland receives innervation from the optical tract via the superior colliculus of the thalamus. Before electric lighting, human births in the high latitudes, i.e., Scandinavia and Russia, etc. were very much a function of early spring. This would seem to suggest that although sexual receptivity was and remains an omnipresent behavior in northerners as it is in all humans, preindustrial northerners were highly fertile (ovulating females and males with high sperm counts) only in the early and mid-summer.
Clearly, human sexual function is much more complex than usually believed. It is important to understand that the importance of sex to human society far exceeds the need for reproduction. As a consequence of the unique evolutionary requirements of our species, reproduction could be considered a side effect of more important social behaviors—cooperation and group cohesion—intimately associated with human sexuality. This is, I know, a rather revolutionary idea but I would suggest that there is a lot of evidence for this point of view. It is now apparent that some distinctive human physiological characteristics of hormonal release patterns have evolved on the basis of high rates of sexual activity. Human societies were undoubtedly predicated upon extensive sexual relationships from our earliest ancestors up to the present time. It would be an understatement to suggest that the settled societies of the Neolithic brought massive and negative change to patterns of human behavior that began millions of years before. This normal and innate behavior has to be genetic.
In relation to the above remarks, we should note that sexually active hormones as well as sexual behaviors are a fact of human development from birth to death in humans. There is no specific age when sexual hormones and sexual behavior are suddenly apparent in humans of either sex. These hormones are present from birth and steadily increase in concentration and release parameters throughout early childhood up to full sexual maturity at about 14 for girls and 16 for boys. The current radical movement of gender neutrality has its origins in egalitarian socialism/Marxism rather than biology as it implies that humans gain gender identity from environmental influences. Nothing could be further from biological reality and closer to lunacy. Little girls act like little girls from birth as anyone who has ever raised a daughter knows only too well. It is probable that early exposure to sexual contact may accelerate the maturation of both sexes. Primitive as well as a few non-Christian societies make little to no effort to hide nudity or sexual contacts from children. Look up videos on you tube of Xingu Indians from the Amazon Basin. You will need to go through an age filter, but it is worth the effort. These Indians are completely naked except for beaded belts and various feathered head ornaments. They are also extremely uniform and attractive people. Their intra-tribal uniformity and inter-tribal differences suggest very close inbreeding for many generations. These people are certainly exposed to sexual contacts and behavior throughout their lives on what must be a daily basis. Young people in primitive societies may have matured earlier than at any time until the present. The intervention of strict religious condemnations of human sexual behavior may have sufficed to shield children from the sort of sexual exposure that is so common today in movies and television. The age of human sexual maturity may simply be returning to an age that is natural and normal for the species rather than declining as a consequence of environmental influences. Most of the alleged “damage” to children today as a consequence of sexual exposure may arise from the repressive social, religious and legal reactions to sex than from actual sexual exposure. Extreme measures calling attention to sexual behavior creates strong negative conditioning in the very children alleged to be victims by making them real victims of a repressive society. (This is similar to the delusion that divorce courts promote happiness.) Children in primitive, sexually open societies seem quite unaffected by either nudity or sexual exposure. This may be restated to imply that children are not negatively affected by exposure to normal human behavior sexual or otherwise. Stated differently, psychological damage to children in modern contemporary societies is produced by the very people pretending to “protect” children.
Certainly both sexes continue to grow and develop beyond sexual maturity, but from the standpoint of sexual and social behavior humans of that age (14 and 16) are mature. It is essentially preposterous to call sexually mature teenagers children. If they possess the biological capacity of reproduction, they are biologically adults. The comment that people of this age are “not emotionally mature” has no more realistic basis than some suggestion that they aren’t religious or rich enough for parenthood. What is emotionally mature? Can this term be defined without cultural clichés? This question is as valid today as it would have been 400,000 years ago. The idea of attaching sexual maturity or behavior to a certain age in humans has little basis in actual physiology and certainly human natural history. Our innate and normal sexual behavior may be more like Bonobo chimpanzees and their omnipresent and indiscriminant sexual activity regardless of age than we might readily admit. I suspect that this ancient behavioral connection is understood subliminally but heavily suppressed by most contemporary societies through law and religion. Living organisms especially humans are not easily reducible to a “one size fits all” paradigm. Very few 12 year-old girls are actually children in the 21st Century in either their behavior or physiology. There are many problems in the legislation of human behavior. Such efforts rarely ever work except to create human misery. It is a regular occurrence today to read the news about a boy of 18 or 19 prosecuted in criminal court for having sex with his girlfriend of age 14 or 15. From the standpoint of contemporary American culture and the law invented by that culture, he is an adult while she is a child. Nonsense! It is ludicrous because they are developmentally the same age and would have exactly the same behavior ten years into the future.
The suggestion that humans of this age are biologically mature does not imply that it is desirable for them to reproduce. Today, most teen pregnancies and subsequent births involve single, often poor, uneducated girls with little hope for the future other than the intervention of the state or their families. These babies, their mothers, the father, and their families often suffer in modern cultures. In the time of Homo erectus, pregnancy and new babies would have been celebrated irrespective of the age of the mother. The instinctual behavior leading to the pregnancy remains just as it was 500,000 years ago, but the cultural environment has changed. Today, however, there is little reason for any unwanted pregnancy to occur regardless of the age of the mother. Many very effective birth control pills, condoms, the “morning after pill” plus the general availability of RU486 as well as abortion are easily available to all women regardless of age as they should be.
In relation to this, it should be noted that today there are groups of people in the West who would like to believe that male or female sexual behavior is completely learned with absolutely no genetic behavior directing such activity. These people with few exceptions appear to be devoted egalitarians and socialists or devout Christians believing that all behavior is learned through environmental influences secular or religious and that humans are born as a “blank slate”. Or in the paraphrased words of Lenin, “a blank slate upon which the state writes.” This is, of course, complete and dangerous nonsense but it does illustrate the capacity of the human mind to invent and to believe concepts that are not just nutty but personally and socially destructive. More than anything, these concepts are grounded in a basic denial of the animal nature of humans and with that, a denial of reality. If sanity is defined as the ability to distinguish fact from fantasy or real from the imaginary; then, the advocates of such ideas are not only delusional, they are mentally ill. We all pay the price when such myopic and dogmatic people run for and gain public office. This definition probably fits all fanatics whose entire intellectual reality is based upon imaginary gods and demons.
Scroll Down The Article Until You Reach This Graph And Then Begin Reading (That's The Best Part Of The Article)!

The first researchers who analyzed these singles’ ads observed something that, at first blush, seemed obvious and uninteresting: The average young man advertised for a woman who was, on average, one or two years younger than himself, and the average young woman advertised for a guy who was a year or two older than herself. That average age difference was frequently attributed to something about the “norms of American society” which (as the story went) stipulated that a woman “should be” younger, shorter, and less educated, so that she could “look up to” her male partner.
We took another look at data from singles’ ads in the U.S., and compared them to actual marriages around the world, and found that, when one looked more carefully, the standard explanation didn’t quite work out. For one thing, young men are not especially attracted to younger women. In fact, teenage boys violate the supposed norm by being attracted to older, college-age, women (despite a full awareness that their interests were not reciprocated). For another, gray-haired men were not interested in women one or two years younger, but instead interested in women ten or twelve years younger. Why the complications? We speculated older men’s interest in younger women was linked to the fact that women go through menopauseand are no longer fertile, and conversely for fourteen-year-olds lack of interest in eleven and twelve-year-olds (who are not yet fertile). Figure 1 shows some of the results of our research.
Scroll Down The Article Until You Reach This Graph And Then Begin Reading (That's The Best Part Of The Article)!

The first researchers who analyzed these singles’ ads observed something that, at first blush, seemed obvious and uninteresting: The average young man advertised for a woman who was, on average, one or two years younger than himself, and the average young woman advertised for a guy who was a year or two older than herself. That average age difference was frequently attributed to something about the “norms of American society” which (as the story went) stipulated that a woman “should be” younger, shorter, and less educated, so that she could “look up to” her male partner.
We took another look at data from singles’ ads in the U.S., and compared them to actual marriages around the world, and found that, when one looked more carefully, the standard explanation didn’t quite work out. For one thing, young men are not especially attracted to younger women. In fact, teenage boys violate the supposed norm by being attracted to older, college-age, women (despite a full awareness that their interests were not reciprocated). For another, gray-haired men were not interested in women one or two years younger, but instead interested in women ten or twelve years younger. Why the complications? We speculated older men’s interest in younger women was linked to the fact that women go through menopauseand are no longer fertile, and conversely for fourteen-year-olds lack of interest in eleven and twelve-year-olds (who are not yet fertile). Figure 1 shows some of the results of our research.
But if men are, in theory, seeking a fertile partner, why don’t sixty-year-old men advertise for twenty-two-year old women?
There are several possible answers to that question. For one thing, mate choice is reciprocal, and maybe the average aging fellow realizes that those twenty-two year old women are not going to be interested in him, unless he has a lot of wealth to make up for the fact that he is not only less physically fit than the younger guys who are also courting her, but also less likely to live long enough to help her take care of her children. Both sexes might also guess that it is harder to establish a comfortable relationship when one partner has old-fashioned values and a collection of Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett records, whereas the other is a modern progressive who doesn’t know what a “record player” is, and only listens to digital recordings of Jay Z, Rihanna, and Kanye West. Another possibility is that older men’s taste in women matures as they do, so that a 60-year-old man actually prefers the appearance of a nicely dressed 45 or 50-year-old woman over that of some young girl with a nose-ring, a tattoo, and her hair dyed pink.
A hebephile...prefers pubescents between the ages of roughly eleven and fourteen...
A hebephile...prefers pubescents between the ages of roughly eleven and fourteen...
..under the guidelines of reproduction and biological dysfunction suggested by Wakefield, the people that most conservatives would erroneously refer to as "pedophiles" are, in fact, far more "normal" than homosexuals.
A girl who has just started menstruating isn't nearly as fertile as she'll be a few years later, and her reproductive anatomy is still very delicate. Furthermore, there's some anthropological evidence that women who have their first child before the age of fourteen bear fewer offspring overall than those who become mothers in their late teens or early twenties. So although young females are high in "reproductive value" (in terms of the total number of their fertile years remaining), this evolutionary logic may not extend all the way down to gangly pubescent girls. Furthermore, the females reproductive value is rather moot in this sense for a hebephile, given that, to use the modern example, he'd lose his attraction for the girl around the time she gets her braces off and grows out of her Justin Bieber fan T-shirts. Still, in the ancestral past, hebephilia may have represented an adaptive strategy under conditions where the risk of cuckoldry (unknowingly raising, and therefore investing one's resources in, another man's child) was especially high. After all, assuming she was at least reproductively able, the younger the girl was, the more likely she was to be a virgin, thus virtually guaranteeing that man's paternity if she became pregnant. Depending on the most pressing adaptive problem for a man living in the ancestral past, different reproductive strategies varied in their effectiveness. And under such conditions of high paternity uncertainty (perhaps combined with high rates of STIs, as well, since youthfulness would also correspond with less prior exposure to sexually communicable diseases), impregnating say, a dozen pubescent girls over the life span may have been a more adaptive strategy - at the heartless level of the man's gene replication motives only - than a monogamous man raising two children together with an adult woman. (Incidentally, if such an adaptive trait were heritable, it could help explain recent genetic findings showing that identical twins raised apart are far more likely to share a hebephilic orientation than are fraternal twins raised together.)
A sole attraction to pubescent girls is another thing altogether, perhaps, but in keeping with this amoral, mechanistsic reasoning, and given that most of a woman's eggs are gone by the time she reaches the ripe old age of thirty, the inability to be attracted to young females who display visible signs of reproductive capacity (such as breasts and widening hips) would be decidedly abnormal...In the ancestral past, a man aroused more by women in their thirties or forties than he was by those in their teens or twenties would have been at a distinct reproductive disadvantage. Regardless of monumental changes since the Pleistocene days in our understanding of teenage emotions, our appreciation of older women, and the extension of the average life span, it's these youth-detecting ancestral men's brains that modern men still come standard equipped with. Age is just a number, yes, but as that number rises, the amount of a woman's eggs declines. That's not a sexist or ageist statement; it's simply a plain biological fact. (Note also that lust and love are wholly different; what inspires a man's lust will never change, but his love will adapt to whatever nature can throw at it, which certainly includes something as insignificant to an otherwise happy and successful marriage as his wife's menopause.)
None of this is to say that men who find women of more "suitable" ages attractive aren't exhibiting a biologically adaptive response. So long as the woman is still showing signs of being fruitful (whether by a genuine ripeness or false advertising by botox), the capacity to become aroused by, say, those forty-something women popularly known as clearly biologically adaptive. It's just not as adaptive as being attracted primarily to younger women. As we saw in our discussion of parental investment theory, men have more than enough (and then some) spermatoza to spare, so even if there's only the remotest chance of impregnating an older female, the inability to be aroused by her could work against a man's genetic interest. (It's basically the same principle at work behind most men's capacity to be aroused by pubescent girls, only it's applied to the other far end of the female reproductive age spectrum.)
This evolutionary logic is also why gerontophilia is so uncommon. An attraction to the elderly is apparently so rare, in fact, that even Alfred Kinsey doesn't mention it in his otherwise exhaustive Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. (He included plenty of other deviant sexual behaviors, such as pedophilia and bestiality, so it's a revealing omission.) Any man whose erections are reserved for women over sixty, no matter how lovely, active, and intelligent those ladies may be, isn't much of a threat to other males in the genetic arms race (he'll have a great sex life, though, with not only less competition but the appreciation, experience, and accumulated wisdom of his erotic targets).
Perv: The Sexual Deviant in All of Us. Bering p. 198-200.