one should have an affect on your self-esteem. it's SELF-esteem. learn
to love & hold yourself high so no one can bring you down.
Maya, One's Level Of Self-Esteem (Self-Confidence), Like One's Level Of Intelligence, Is Primarily Determined By Genetics (The Genes For Self-Confidence That You Inherited From Your Parents). So, No Matter What Anyone Says Or Does To You In Adulthood, Maya, Your Level Of Self-Esteem Will Remain The Same. Maya, Blacks, Like Yourself, On Average, Have Higher Self-Esteem Than All Ethnic Groups That Have Thus Far Been Tested For This Trait. This Is Why You See A Preponderance Of Black Males Who Are Arrogant, Overly Confident, Ostentatious, Braggadocios, Unabashed, Full Of Themselves And Filled With False Pride.
The teachers reported more outgoing temperament among children of African descent than among those of European descent, and especially than in those of East Asian descent.
The racial differences in temperament are also found on standardized personality tests. Blacks consistently score more outgoing, active, socially dominant, and impulsive than do Whites, while Whites consistently score more active and socially dominant than do East Asians.
It may be surprising to learn that Blacks also have higher self-esteem than Whites and East Asians. This is true even when Blacks are poorer and less educated. In one large study of 11- to 16-year-olds, Blacks rated themselves as more attractive than did Whites. Blacks also rated themselves higher in reading, science and social studies (but not in mathematics).
The Blacks said this even though they knew they had lower actual academic achievement scores than White children.
In contrast, East Asian students, even though they score higher in academic achievement than Whites, often score lower in self-esteem.
What I am suggesting then, is that Blacks have a self-assured "bright" talkative, personality, which leads many people to over-estimate their abstract reasoning ability. East Asians provide a "compare and contrast" case study with people under-estimating their IQ because of their quietness and otherwise "subdued" personality profile. East Asians who average higher than Whites on IQ tests (107 versus 100) have often been described to me as seeming "dull and uncreative" compared to Whites, achieving what they do only through unimaginative rote learning, imitation, and memorization.
Genetic origins of lower Black intelligence can also be seen in a number of studies that chart proportional Black ancestry. One of the first major studies was done as early as 1916 in Virginia. Large groups of Black school children were divided in groups determined by the number of White and Black grandparents. All the Black subjects, pure or partially Black, were raised in the Black community's environment. The Blacks with four Black grandparents scored the lowest in IQ. Blacks with three Black grandparents and one White --a bit higher; Blacks with two White grandparents --higher still; and Blacks with three White grandparents scored highest in IQ among the Black children. The most recent studies of the 1990s show precisely the same results.
What critics have objected to—very strongly—is the statement that sub-Saharan Africans have an average IQ of 70...This is, indeed, extremely low. In North America, an IQ of 70 suggests borderline mental retardation...Critics of the finding that the average African IQ is 70 say that it simply must be wrong. They insist that biased testing procedures must have been used, even though dozens of separate studies have corroborated the results from East, West, Central, and Southern Africa. For Example, one 1992 study carried out for the World Bank reported that a random sample of 1,639 adolescents in the West African country of Ghana had an average IQ of 60...In 1998, I went to Johannesburg, South Africa, to initiate a 5-year series of IQ studies in the university system to determine whether such a low IQ was accurate. I, too, wondered how well all the previous data had been collected, if sufficient care were taken in giving instructions, ensuring motivation, having a quiet room for testing, or giving enough time to complete the tests.
One way to think about an African IQ of 70 is in terms of "mental age"—that is, a person's mental age in relation to his chronological age. Nowadays, standard scores based on the normal distribution (or "bell curve") have replaced the concept of mental age. But it still provides a way to understand differences...An average IQ of 100 is set to a mental age of 16. Adult Whites, then, have an average mental age of 16, with a normal range (plus or minus one standard deviation) of from less than 14 years to over 18 years...African Americans average about 25% European ancestry and have an IQ of 85, which is equivalent to a mental age of nearly 14, with a range of from 11 to 16 years...An IQ of 70 in adults, then, is equivalent to a mental age of about 11 years. This would make the normal range of mental ages found in Africa to be from less than 9 years to almost 14 years...Eleven-year-olds, of course, are not retarded. They can drive cars, build houses, and work in factories if supervised properly. Eleven-year-olds can even wage war—and do so in many parts of the world.
University Curriculum Is Geared Toward The 16-18 Year Old Mind. In Other Words, The Average 16 To 18 Year Old Can Comprehend And Complete College Coursework. Most Africans And Africans In The African Diaspora (Black Americans, Caribbeans, Black British, Etc.) Have Minds Of 13-15 Year Olds, So They Just Miss The College Education Cut (DAM, Y'all Just Missed It). Hence, You See Only A Tiny Percentage Of Blacks And Africans In College And Those That Do Attend College Typically Do So At Schools Who Gear Their Academics To 12-14 Year Olds (Black Colleges Or State Colleges Lower Their Academic Standards So That Africans And Blacks With 14 Year Old Minds Can Attend Their Colleges).
This Jigg Is A Perfect Example. I Usually Don't Like To Use College Athletes As Examples Because They're Not Held To The Same Academic Enrollment Standards As Your Average College Student, But This Jigg Is An Exception Because He Came Directly From Africa (He's A First Generation Nigerian American) And Thus Gives Us An Ideal, First Hand Look At The Effects Of A Sub-Saharan I.Q. Of 70 (He's Full-Blooded West African, So He Doesn't Benefit From Any I.Q. Raising White Genes Like Most Black Americans Because He Doesn't Have Any). Anyway, If It Weren't For Football, His I.Q. Of 70 Would Have Prevented Him From Being Accepted To San Jose State And Because Of His I.Q. Of 70 He Had No Choice But To Roll The Dice And Declare Himself Eligible For The NFL Draft (Gamble On Getting Selected) Since The Likelihood Of Him Finding Any Other Type Of Gainful Employment Besides The NFL Would Have Been Limited (His I.Q Of 70 Would Have Prevented Him From Finding Any Other Work Besides Construction And Maybe Putting Together Cars In A Factory). So, If It Weren't For The Saving Graces Of Football, His Low, SUBURBAN Sub-Saharan African I.Q. Of 70 Would Have Really Limited His Social And Economic Success (It Would Have Prevented Him From Going To College And It Would Have Prevented Him From Finding A Job). THE MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE!
Look At This Nigga, Y'all. He's Got An I.Q. Of 90 (An I.Q. Of 90 Which Was Boosted Twenties Points By His Whites Genes And The American Environment In Which He Was Raised) And He STILL Made It, Y'all, Even Though He Has An I.Q. Of 90, Which Is Equivalent To The Mental Age Of A 15 Year Old, And Had A Kid At Age 16, He STILL Made It. DAM. Now, That's A MothaFuccin' Accomplishment Right There, Y'all. He's Got A Toilet Seat Cover Degree From A State University And Now He's Working On His Master In Spite Of The Fact That He's Got An I.Q. Of 90, A 6-Year Old Child To Feed And Clothe And A Baby Mama To Give All Of His Money Away To In The Form Of Child Support. DAM, Y'all, A Nigga Made It In RACIST America. Now, That's A Mother Fuckin' Success Story Right There, Y'all. Someone Needs To Make A Movie About This Nigga's Life Or At Least Have ESPN Run A Short, Little Segment On It, Y'all. (TOI LET
Race with Lowest Measured IQ: Australian Aboriginals and Bushmen/ Pygmies
A clear example of how a bad environment can hurt IQ can be seen in the IQ scores for sub-Saharan African countries. They average only around 70. In contrast, African-Americans average about 85. It appears unlikely that African-Americans' white admixture can account for most of this 15-point gap because they are only around 17%-18% white on average, according to the latest genetic research. (Thus African-Americans white genes probably couldn't account for more than 3 points of the gap between African-Americans and African-Africans.) This suggests that the harshness of life in Africa might be cutting ten points or more off African IQ scores.
Similarly, West Africans are significantly shorter in height than their distant cousins in America, most likely due to malnutrition and infections. The two African-born NBA superstars, Hakeem Olajuwon and Dikembe Mutombo, are both from the wa-benzi [people of the (Mercedes ) Benz]upper class. Only the elite in Africa gets enough food and health care to grow up to be NBA centers.
This also implies that African-Americans might be able to achieve higher IQs too, although the environmental gap between white Americans and black Americans appears to be much smaller than between black Americans and black Africans. As I pointed out in VDARE in 2000, the most promising avenue for improving African-Americans' IQs is by promoting breastfeeding among blacks mothers, who nurse their babies at much lower rates than whites.
What Is Race Realism? American Renaissance (AmRen) with Jared Taylor
Tongan to the fullest! Born in car and DGAF! Lived in Tonga like a Fob. Went to College here in the states with an AA Degree. ouuuaa! An im a Crip! Tonga!!
Funniest Description Of One's Self That I've Seen On Twitter. I Gotta Find This Tongan Brotha And Hang Out With Him! By The Way, Most POLYNESIANS Have Low IQs. Their IQs Are Almost As Low As Black Americans And It's Rare To See Full-Blooded POLYNESIANS, Specifically Tongans And Samoans, Attending 4-Year Universities For Non-Sports Related Reasons And Graduating From These 4-Year Universities (It's Rarer To See POLYNESIANS At 4-Year Universities Than It Is Blacks). The POLYNESIANS That Do Attend And Graduate From 4-Year Universities, Like This One (I Believe She's A Graduate Of Utah) And This One Are RARITIES. Why? Because POLYNESIANS, Like Black Americans, Are Low Socioeconomic Status Ethnic Groups That Inhabit Lower Class, Impoverished Neighborhoods Where Education Isn't A Priority And, Like Blacks,They Come From Families That Don't Stress Education Or Seeking Employment In Industries/Fields That Require A University Degree Or Higher.
Here's Another One Apparently She's A Graduate Of UC Berkeley, But She Mentions UCLA On Her Profile. She Was Still An Undergraduate Last Year When She Posted On Her Blog About Studying Abroad So Maybe Her Reference To UCLA Has To Do With Graduate School. I Don't Know Whether She Played A Sport (Typically, That's The Only Reason And The Only Way Polynesians Can Go To College), But Based On Her lOOKS I'd Assume Not. Anyway, I Think She Has An Average IQ (Maybe 100-105) And Since She Knows Nothing About Evolutionary Theory, Human Genetics, Or Neuroscience She's Really Uneducated. BIG Hamo Girl, Use Your Graduate School Scholarship To Study One Of The 3 Aforementioned Disciplines So That That Scholarship Money And Whatever Money That Comes Out Of Your Poccet To Pay For Grad School Won't Be WASTED.
Here's Another Non-Sports Playing Polynesian Attending A 4 Year University, A Top One At That (UCLA).
Speaking Of The TAMAIRIE Guy, I Know He Isn't A Literature Or English Major, But He's About To Graduate From A Top Private School Whose Academic Standards Are Somewhat High So You'd Expect Him To Write A Little Better Than He Does Here
TAMAIRIE FILMS* And Other Viewers, I Employ A Variety Of Writing Styles And Personas When Writing The Shit I Write. Hopefully Some Of You Have Caught On To This. Sometimes I Write Properly In An Articulate And Academic Manner, Sometimes I Write Like A Nigga, And Sometimes I Write Like A Child (With Run On Sentences And Multiple Conjunctions, Conclusions, And Contusions). Why Do I Do This? To Entertain You All And Myself. Now, Look At TAMAIRIE FILMS Writing Rite Here I Know He's Not An English Or Literature Major And I Know He's Not Writing In A Serious Manner In The Above Example, But STILL, I Hope The Words He Used, The Way He Composed The Sentences, And Wrote The Paragraph Above Isn't A Reflection Of His Real Writing Because If It Is A Reflection Of His Real Writing I Have Some SERIOUS Questions About His Academic Career And Achievements. Like, If That's A Reflection Of Your Real Writing How Did You Get Into USC, How Did You Pass The Classes That Asked You To Write Papers, And Do You Realize That If, Indeed, That Is Your Real Writing Style It's Unsophisticated, Unlearned, And Sophomoric (Like, Kids In Junior High Can Write Better Than That)? DROPOUT
*TAIMIARIE FILMS, I Want Your First Full Length Featured Film To Feature 2 Or More Polynesians Fucking Throughout The Film. Yeah, I Want You To Make A Polynesian Pornographic Movie, My Hamo Brotha. I Want To See Some Real Hardcore Polynesian Dicc In The Booty Hole Type UH Shit Poppin' Off In Your Movie, My Polynesian Brotha. So Please Grant ME My Request And Make A Porno Uce.
Found Another One. I Googled His Name Too And He Seems Not To Be Affiliated With Any Sports Team At His School (Berkeley). So, He Got Their The Hardaway (Good Grades, SAT Score) And Got His Degree The Hardaway (Good Grades). So, He's Another Rarity. He's The Rare Full-Blooded Polynesian Who Went To College Because Of Academics (Because Of His High School Academics) And For Academics (To Get A College Education And Degree). Most Full-Blooded Polynesians Don't Go To College For These Reasons. (My Nigga REASON!) Reasons, Reasons That We're Here...
Here's Another Polynesian At A Top 4-Year University
And Another One But This One Doesn't Really Count Because She's Half White, So She's Benefiting From Those White Genes. (I've Noticed That The Washington And Oregon Universities Seem To Attract A Lot Of Full-Blooded Polynesians Who Don't Play Sports. I Wonder Why That's So.) And One More This One Seems To Be A TOKO And Based On Her Body, I Couldn't Nor Wouldn't Imagine That She Played A Sport Other Than Rugby, But I Don't Think They Have Rugby At Boise State. And Another
And Another (Look At The LOP She Married). And One More
What Is That Shrek Looking Thing Holding The Children? That Thing Looks Hermaphroditic!
Found One More (Another Polynesian College Graduate/Graduate Student), But She Looks Half Chink, So Those Half Chinese Genes Are Benefiting Her Greatly, Academically Speaking! Plus, I Don't Think She's That Rare Considering That She's From New Zealand Or Australia And A Much Larger Percentage Of Polynesians Attend And Graduated From Universities In Those Countries, Since Those Countries Treat Them Like America Treats Black Americans And Thus Lowers Their Academic Standards And Makes It Easier For Them (Polynesians) To Attend And Graduate From Their Universities. (The Polynesians In New Zealand And Australia Benefit Greatly From The Affirmative Action That These White Dominated And Controlled Countries Employ Just Like Blacks In America Benefit Greatly From The Affirmative Action That White America Employs).
You cannot convince me with that nonsense.
No time for the BS. #keepitmovin
Ain't Got No Time Foe That!
Hamo Brothers And Sisters, Tango Brothers And Sisters, If She Can Do It So Can You. (Diet Is More Important Than Exercise!)
The most obese populations | |||
Country | % obese men | Country | % obese women |
Tonga | 52.4 | Samoa | 69.1 |
Samoa | 45.9 | Tonga | 67.2 |
Qatar | 44.0 | Kuwait | 58.6 |
Kuwait | 43.4 | Fed States of Micronesia | 57.9 |
Kiribati | 39.3 | Libya | 57.2 |
USA | 31.7 | Kiribati | 55.5 |
Bahrain | 31.0 | Qatar | 54.7 |
Bahamas | 30.9 | Marshall Islands | 49.1 |
Libya | 30.2 | Egypt | 48.4 |
Saudi Arabia | 30.0 | Bahamas | 47.7 |
Source: The Lancet |
When I Would Try To Tell My Father Not To Eat Certain Foods He Would Say To ME "When You Get Your Medical Degree* And Become A Doctor You Can Tell Me What To Eat" In A SARCASTIC And DERISIVE Way. In Other Words, He Was Saying "I'm Going To Eat Whatever The Fuck I Want To Eat. Don't Try To Tell Me What To Eat Because You Don't Have The Authority To Tell Me What To Eat, MothaFucca!"

The mind-set of these Amazonian Indians was undoubtedly very similar to that of any of the world's hunter-gatherers. They got plenty of exercise simply by carrying out the day's basic activities - finding food and water, building shelters, making tools, and gathering wood. These activities were more than enough to allow them to develop superb physical fitness. Strength, stamina, and good muscle tone were the natural by-products of their daily routine.
Our Stone Age ancestors worked hard or they didn't eat. Sustained labor wasn't necessary every day; periods of intense exertion generally alternated with days of rest and relaxation. But the work was always there, an inevitable fact of life. There were no retirement plans, no vacations, and definitely no labor-saving devices. Everybody, except for the very young or the very old, helped out. And their daily efforts were astonishing. The amount of physical activity performed by an average hunter-gatherer would have been about four times greater than that of a sedentary office worker - and about three times greater than anybody needs to get the health benefits of exercise. An office worker who jogged 3 miles a day for a whole week would use less than half the energy of an average hunter-gatherer, such as the !Kung people of Africa. !Kung men on average walk 9.3 miles per day; the women average 5.7 miles per day. As you may expect, all this walking and regular physical activity pays off with high levels of physical fitness for everyone. In fact, my research team has shown that the average aerobic capacity of the world's hunter-gatherers and less Westernized peoples is similar to that of today's top athletes.
There are few physicians or health professionals who would argue that exercise shouldn't accompany dietary programs.
The idea of exercising the extra pounds away - if this is your only means of weight loss - is not terribly practical. Exercise combined with diet is no more effective than diet alone in causing weight loss. How can this be? The answer is a scientific equation: to lose a pound of fat, you need to achieve a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories.
Imagine that a mildly obese women, weighing 154 pounds, would like to lose 30 pounds, or 105,000 calories, by walking or jogging for 3 miles (forty-five minutes) a day. On days when she walks or jogs, she expends 215 additional calories (compared to the 80 calories she expends for the same forty-five minute period on other days). The 3 mile walk/jog causes a net deficit of 135 calories - not a lot, considering the amount of work she's doing. At this rate, it will take her 26 days to lose 1 pound and 780 days (more than 2 years) to lose 30 pounds. Most dieters simply don't have the patience to wait that long. (Frankly, most of us need the encouragement of seeing the scale change more rapidly to help us keep up the good work. Otherwise, it's easy to become discourages and give up.)
Experiments by my colleague Dr. Joe Donnelly and coworkers at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, and by Dr. David Nieman at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina, have demonstrated that diet alone is just as effective as diet plus exercise in causing weight loss.
The real benefit from exercise for weigh loss comes not from the modest caloric deficit that it may create, but from its ability to keep weight off once it has been lost. Dr. Rena Wing of Brown University School of Medicine in Providence, Rhode Island, reviewed a large number of exercise trials in which participants either dieted only or dieted and exercised. Reporting on the participants a year later, Dr. Wing noted, "In all of the long-term randomized trials reviewed, weight losses at follow-up were greater in diet plus exercise than in diet only."
The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Designed to Eat. Cordain, p. 198-200.
Our Ancestors had better Genes, bigger Brain, physiologically Stronger...??!
Does it mean that Human biologically Degrade, regardless all modern tech advances, internet, etc...??!
Scientists from Cambridge University claim that our Ancestors would have been capable the world’s most talented athletes and Olympic champions...
"Even our most highly trained athletes pale in comparison to these ancestors of ours" , - Dr Colin Shaw told.
For example, found the leg bones of male farmers 5,300 BC were just as good as those of highly-trained cross-country runners
Brain size reduction in modern humans over the past 40,000 years is well-documented.
Studies demonstrate a clear biological basis to intelligence, with larger brains predicting higher #intelligence .
As every gram of brain loss represent hundred thousand neurons - that is a big loss for our mental and sensitive abilities.
Average brain size, cubic cm:
- Neanderthals - 1'700-1'800
- Cro-Magnon -1'600
- Modern Human -1'320
Genome entropy - Genetic load
As we have many advances in medicine, genetically poor /weak people not only survive but reproduce as well, so bad genes 'll be transmitted to next generation and so on.
More than 6'000 single gene disorders are currently known...
"We are Genetically interior to caveman", - says James F. Crow, former president of the Genetics Society of America and the American Society of Human Genetics; member of the National Academy of Sciences.
Genetic load and bad mutation accumulation lead to irreversible damage in human DNA transferable from generation to generation thus diminish Genome quality
For example A. Kondrashov, postdocs of J. Crow, says:
"*J. Crow* was very concerned about the negative impact on human health of mildly deleterious alleles that, due to advances in medicine, can accumulate almost unchecked by natural selection. Individually, these may do little – causing a slight increase in blood pressure, for instance. But cumulatively their effect could prove fatal"
How would a hunter gatherer get on in modern day London?
If you were to transplant a hunter-gatherer from the
Kalahari to London, he or she would enjoy all the wonderful things of
London, the tube, the escalators, all the great food, and they would get
all the same problems that we do. It's not that people in the Kalahari
go tramping about 9 to 15 kilometres a day because that's what they want
to do - nobody gets up in the morning and says, hey, let's go for a jog
in the Kalahari! They do it because it's their livelihood, they are
coerced by their environment.
But now our environment coerces us to take the path of least resistance?
Suddenly we have all these machines and we can press all
these magical buttons that move us around and allow us to live without
exercise, and we're not equipped easily to make those decisions. It's
very hard for me every time I walk into my building, I'm on the on the
fifth floor, I struggle every single day not to take the elevator! One
of the reasons I don't take the elevator is because I don't want to be
called a hypocrite, it's a very powerful motivator! The fact of the
matter is if we are going to effectively combat this epidemic, we have
to find ways to respectfully force each other to do the right thing
because we're not going to do it on our own. Everybody you know who
exercises and eats a sensible diet has figured out forms of effective
My Ego Is Bigger And I Have A Right To Have A Bigger Ego Than Mr. Hussle. Know Why? Because I'm Genetically Superior To Mr. Hussle. I'm More Intelligent, More Ethical, More Athletic, And More Attractive. That Is, I'm Superior To Him In Every Category That Mattered In Our Paleolithic Past. The Advent Of Agriculture, The Industrial Age, And The Information Age Have Allowed Genetically Inferior People To Survive And Reproduce. This Is Consequently Bringing About The Deterioration Of The Human Species And Human Society.
Is An Indication Of Your Immune System And Since Modern Medical
Technology Has Diminished The Need For An Innately Strong Immune System,
The Less Attractive And, Hence, Those With Weaker Immune Systems Have
Been Allowed To Survive, Reproduce, And In Some Cases Flourish.
Has The Advent Of Agriculture, The Industrial Age, And Now The
Information Age Allowed Genetically Inferior People (Certain
Entertainers (Rappers), Certain Businessmen, Etc.) To Survive And
Reproduce? Because The Need For High Intelligence, The Need For High
Athleticism, And The Need For High Attractiveness* Has Been Reduce. The
Modern Economy And Modern Technology Has Lessened The Need For Superior
Innate Ability.
According to historian Yuval Noah Harari, it's been 125,000 generations since the emergence of human species, 7,500 since human physiology reached its current state, 500 since the agricultural revolution, and only 20 since the scientific revolution
The Agricultural Revolution Stemming About 10,000 Years Ago Coupled With The Industrial And Technological Revolution Occurring Over The Past 200 Years Has Eased Natural Selective Pressures On Humans. We're No Longer As Exposed To The Physical Environment Or As Severely Subject To Its Dictates And Vagaries As Our Paleolithic Ancestors*, So Climate, Geography, Altitude, Etc. (The Physical Environment) Have Much Less Of An Impact On Our Lives, Our Society, And Our Evolution.
Now, Why Doesn't The Physical Environment (Climate, Geography, Etc. ) Play As Big Of A Role In Modern Human Life And Modern Human Evolution As It Did In Our Evolutionary Past? because We're, For The Most Part, Insulated From The Effects Of Climate And Geography. We Live In Homes, Work In Offices, Exercise/Play Sports In Gyms, And Wear Clothes, Shoes, Hats, Sunglasses, Sunscreen, Etc. That Protect Us From The Wind, Rain, Snow, Sleet, Sun's Rays, Altitude, Gravity And Harsh Terrain Of The Earth, Etc. In Other Words, We're Protected From All Of These Physical Environmental Factors, So The Selection Pressures Related To Them (Climate, Geography, Altitude, Gravity, Etc.) That Once Operated Heavily On The Human Species Have Now Been Lessened (Attenuated). (All Of This Technology That Humans Have Created Has Prevented The Physical Environment From Having A Strong Influence On Our Lives, Dictating Our Lives, And Exerting Strong Natural Selective Pressures On Our Evolution.)
*By The Way, Folkz, When I Refer To "Paleolithic Ancestors" I'm Talking About Our Human Ancestors That Evolved In Africa 200,000+ Years Ago, Migrated Out Of Africa ~75,000-50,000 Years Ago To Populate Europe, Asia, India, Australia, Etc. (Not In That Order) And Then Through SubSpeciation Evolve Into Some Of The Current Ethnic Groups** Of Today Around ~15,000-10,000 Years Ago.
**The Current Ethnic Groups That Populate The World Are Not Very Old. Most Of Them Evolved Within The Past 10,000 Years When Agriculture Was Developed. So The Paleolithic Ancestors That I Speak Of Who Were Hunting And Gathering For Subsistence Predate Them (Predate Current Ethnic Groups). (READ ABOUT THE PROCESS OF SPECIATION (SUBSPECIATION) BELOW.)
Speciation and Pseudospeciation
Evolution, according to biologist Steven Jay Gould, doesn’t proceed in a slow, gradual accumulation of small changes. Species are stable, sometimes for millions of years, and then they disappear and are replaced, rather abruptly (by the standards of evolutionary time), by another species.40 What leads to speciation is when some little subpopulation of a species splits off and stops interbreeding with the parent species, usually because of geographical isolation. Then this little group evolves different characteristics from the parent species, and if the changes happen to make it more successful than the parent species, it will eventually win the survival-of-the-fittest award and replace them.
It isn’t always necessary for the smaller group to be geographically isolated from the larger one, because there are other things that can keep groups from interbreeding. There are two species of grasshopper that coexist in Europe,
look alike, and are capable of interbreeding under laboratory conditions. They are considered different species because in the wild they don’t interbreed. The reason they don’t interbreed is that they have different songs. This minor behavioral difference keeps them apart.41
When a group of apes or humans splits up, it generally splits along lines of prior association, with individuals tending to go to the side that contains more of their relatives and friends. But inevitably there will be some who have relatives and friends on both sides and could go either way. When Jane Goodall’s chimpanzee community split in two, she wondered what made an old male named Goliath throw in his lot with the Kahamans—a decision that cost him his life.
I don’t know what Goliath’s reasons were, but when human groups split up, individuals tend to choose the side with which they are most compatible: like seeks like. In the case of groups composed of families, such as human communities, most individuals have no choice about which way to go, but those who do will go to the side with which they have the most in common. The result will be, in many cases, a statistical difference between the daughter groups. There might be some minor behavioral difference between the members of the two groups, or some minor difference in appearance. Then again, there might not be.
In humans, hostility between groups leads to the exaggeration of any preexisting differences between the groups, or to the creation of differences if there were none to begin with. You may have thought it was the other way round— that differences lead to hostility—but I believe it is more a case of hostility leading to differences. Each group is motivated to distinguish itself from the other because if you don’t like someone you want to be as different from them as possible. So the two groups will develop different customs and different taboos. They will adopt different forms of dress and ornamentation, the better to tell friend from foe in a hurry. They may even develop different languages. Eibl-Eibesfeldt observed,
Humans show a strong inclination to form such subgroups which eventually distinguish themselves from the others by dialect and other subgroup characteristics and go on to form new cultures. ... To live in groups which demarcate themselves from others is a basic feature of human nature.42
This process is called pseudospeciation. If pseudospeciation was also a basic feature of human nature, it could have led to a dramatic speeding up of evolution. Groups split, demarcate themselves from each other, and go to war. War puts an end to interbreeding (or drastically cuts down on it) and now
we have the preconditions for true speciation. If one of the daughter groups happens to be more successful at waging war, it may wipe out the other. Of course, it may simply outcompete the other group, but that’s a lot slower.
New Guinea provides a model for how it could have happened. When European explorers first made their way into the interior of New Guinea, they discovered it was a veritable Tower of Babel. Nearly one thousand different languages, most of them mutually unintelligible, were spoken in an area about the size of Texas. Jared Diamond describes what the island was like before the white man came:
To venture out of one’s territory to meet [other] humans, even if they lived only a few miles away, was equivalent to suicide. . . . Such isolation bred great genetic diversity. Each valley in New Guinea has not only its own language and culture, but also its own genetic abnormalities and local diseases.43
Thus, one New Guinea tribe has the world’s highest incidence of leprosy, others have high frequencies of deaf mutes or male hermaphrodites or premature aging or delayed puberty. Genetic differences between the tribes, probably due to mutations in one or two genes, underlie these differences. They are small differences, but the groups haven’t been separated very long.
Over time, separated groups become more and more dissimilar. In some animals the differences accumulate slowly and at random—genetic drift, biologists call it—but in the genus Homo the process may not be random at all and may be speeded up by pseudospeciation. The visible differences between European populations—for instance, the blondness of the Scandinavians versus the darkness of the Italians—evolved so rapidly they are unlikely to be due solely to the health benefits of being fair or dark. Most likely they were helped along by sexual preferences: the first fair-haired people in a population may have occurred by chance, but if they were sought after as mates their descendants would have proliferated. Eventually such traits could serve as markers to distinguish us from them.
I believe that is how our hairlessness evolved. I think it was a late and relatively rapid evolutionary change: it didn’t occur until after the northern branch of Homo erectus (the one that gave rise to Neanderthal) stopped interbreeding with the southern branch (our ancestors). Perhaps it didn’t occur until around the time when we acquired that extra sapiens, a mere 130,000 years ago. The change may have begun with pseudospeciation—a division between a group of less hairy hominids, who got progressively balder as body hair became increasingly unpopular among them, and a group that remained as hairy as the other apes. Hairlessness conveyed no benefits—it simply served to distinguish us from them. Once we were clear on that distinction, the next step would have been to go to war against the hairy ones and wipe them out.44
Maybe three cans a day for three months might have been more informative, but still... A brave man. If George had a twin, he could drink 3 12-ounce glasses of milk and we'd have an interesting comparison. Any twin-pair volunteers?
P. D. Mangan 🇺🇸 @Mangan150
Being addicted to sugar is a biological disorder, driven by hormones and neurotransmitters that fuel sugar and carb cravings—leading to uncontrolled overeating.
P. D. Mangan 🇺🇸
From Taubes' new book: before ~1850, no such thing as a chocolate bar. No mass-produced candy until 1875, no candy bars and soda until ~1900
Other diseases that are linked to metabolic syndrome and may potentially arise because of too much sugar consumption include:
Type 2 diabetes | Hypertension | Lipid problems |
Heart disease | Polycystic ovarian syndrome | Dementia |
While most of us are probably aware of the powerful benefits of regular exercise, we're clearly not all convinced: Just about 20 percent of American adults over the age of 18 meet the government's recommended guidelines when it comes to physical activity, according to a CDC report.
The average adult needs at least two hours and 30 minutes of activity each week, if it's at a moderate intensity level, like brisk walking. Up the intensity to jogging or running, and you can aim for at least 75 minutes a week. Add in a couple of strengthening sessions a week, and you can expect to build muscle, protect your heart, avoid obesity and even live longer.
That's not to say that shorter bouts of exercise aren't worth it. Even just in 10-minute increments, exercise can make a marked difference in health and well-being. But those of us who make exercise part of their regular routine -- without overdoing it -- are certainly reaping the biggest benefits.
Don't believe us? Consider a few profound factoids: Regular exercisers have a 40 percent lower risk of developing dementia, and a 60 percent lower risk of any type of cognitive impairment, according to a 2012 study. In young adults, regular exercise can increase bone mineral density by as much as 2 to 8 percent a year, according to the New York Times, helping to prevent dangerous falls and fractures later in life.
Some of the big differences between sedentary and active people are obviously beneficial, like a longer lifespan or a less-taxed heart. Others are a little less clear, like a higher maximal oxygen uptake, or VO2max, which reflects a regular exerciser's increased capacity for aerobic exercise, or a more efficient sweating response, which helps regular exercisers cool their bodies quickly. Check out these and other differences exercise makes. Then go ahead and lace up those sneaks.
Q. Are we making net gains or net drawbacks from culturally changing faster than our genes?
I highly recommend using a tread mill desk. It's an effective way to rediscover the joys of sitting.
I highly recommend using a tread mill desk. It's an effective way to rediscover the joys of sitting.
4. Move throughout the day.
Sitting too much can reduce the benefits of an exercise program and stall weight loss. Unfortunately, if you work in an office, commute by car and watch a few hours of TV each night, it’s not hard to see how you could spend the vast majority of your waking life (up to 15 hours!) sitting on your butt. And unfortunately, exercise alone isn’t enough to reverse the harmful effects of too much sitting. When it comes to weight loss, getting active throughout the entire day, and not just the 60 minutes you spend at the gym, is a crucial component of a well-rounded regimen.There are many different ways to increase your movement throughout the day, and I outline several of them in my article about the dangers of sitting excessively. Getting into the habit of moving throughout the day can not only benefit your weight and promote fat loss, but it can also improve your overall health and reduce your risk for chronic disease.
A. People are living longer and dying less of
infectious diseases, so it’s likely a net gain, but we’re also suffering
from more chronic diseases. We musn’t confuse the diseases that occur
in old age from the ones caused by old age. In that regard, we can do better to prevent the first kind.
Q. In your book you list nearly 50 diseases and
conditions, from Alzheimer’s disease to stomach ulcers, that developed
because our genes couldn’t adapt quickly enough to our changing
environments. Can you explain more about these so-called “mismatch
A. It’s been appreciated for a while that a lot of
diseases today are at least somewhat mismatched and that about 70
percent of these diseases are preventable.
We inherited a
physiology that causes us to crave sugar and calorie-rich foods and to
be extremely good at storing energy in order to use it for inevitable
periods of food shortage. But we never evolved to have to lose weight
because that was never a challenge for our ancestors. In an environment
of plentiful, inexpensive, tasty food that’s loaded with sugar and
calories, we’re ill equipped to cope, which has led to a rise in certain
cancers, diabetes, and heart disease.
Our bodies also need the stress of physical activity for muscles to
get bigger and bones to grow; those who are less active when they’re
young attain a smaller skeletal mass, which increases their risk of
osteporosis later on. Even our jawbones don’t get enough stress from the
softer more processed foods we chew which has likely led to a rise of
dental crowding and impacted wisdom teeth.
‘We need to be mindful of how our bodies are not able to cope with physical inactivity and a glut of food.’Q. Don’t genes play a role in many of these diseases?
A. Some of us have ancestors who were less adapted
genetically to metabolizing carbohydrates, which has raised our
susceptibility for diabetes. In fact, a lot of genes have been
identified for chronic diseases, but these genes tend to have only a
small effect and tend not to be very common. It’s far more likely to be
a changing of our environment rather than a change in our genes that’s
accounting for the rise in these illnesses.
Q. How can we change our environment in the modernized world we live in?
A. It’s all about tradeoffs, and we can’t escape them.
More of us are near-sighted from working indoors all day in front of
computer screens, but we have glasses to fix that. On the other hand, we
have to make it easier to grab the celery stick instead of the
chocolate chip cookie or to take the stairs in the mall instead of the
escalator. We need to be mindful of how our bodies are not able to cope
with physical inactivity and a glut of food.
Rosie Perez Taking It In The Azz!
AA: Why, in spite of our adaptations, have we gone from endurance athletes to couch potatoes?
DL: It was incredibly recently in history that a large
number of humans have been freed from having to do physical activity. My
argument, from an evolutionary perspective, would be that not having
regular physical activity every day is pathological and abnormal. In a
lot of medical studies, we compare people who are sick with controls.
But who are those controls? They are relatively sedentary Westerners.
I'd argue that we are comparing people who are sick to people who are
abnormal and semi-pathological.
AA: If being inactive is pathological and abnormal, then how come we hate exercise so much?
DL: There was never any evolutionary selection pressure to make us like exercise. If you are a Neanderthal or Homo erectus or an early modern human, you didn't think, "Gee, I'm going to go for a run so that I'm not going to get depressed." They had to go long distances every day in order to survive. Not exercising was never an option, so there was never any selection pressure to make people like exercise. On the contrary, there was probably selection to help people avoid needless exercise when they could. Some hunter-gatherers had diets of about 2,200 calories a day. When your energy intake is that low, you can't afford to go for a jog just for fun.
DL: There was never any evolutionary selection pressure to make us like exercise. If you are a Neanderthal or Homo erectus or an early modern human, you didn't think, "Gee, I'm going to go for a run so that I'm not going to get depressed." They had to go long distances every day in order to survive. Not exercising was never an option, so there was never any selection pressure to make people like exercise. On the contrary, there was probably selection to help people avoid needless exercise when they could. Some hunter-gatherers had diets of about 2,200 calories a day. When your energy intake is that low, you can't afford to go for a jog just for fun.
AA: So evolution selected for traits that made us relax or be lazy?
DL: Of course. Just like anytime you crave sugary, fatty foods—that would have been advantageous for early humans. It's only now that they have become maladaptive.
DL: Of course. Just like anytime you crave sugary, fatty foods—that would have been advantageous for early humans. It's only now that they have become maladaptive.
When you walk into a train station and there is a staircase
and an escalator, your brain always tells you to take the escalator.
Given a choice between a piece of cake and a carrot, we always go for
the cake. It's not in your best interest, but it's probably a very
deeply rooted evolutionary instinct.
AA: What are the consequences of the modern sedentary lifestyle?
DL: It's hard to think of one disease that is not affected by physical activity. Take the two major killers: heart disease and cancer. The heart requires exercise to grow properly. Exercise increases the peripheral arteries and decreases your cholesterol levels; it decreases your risk of heart disease by at least half.
DL: It's hard to think of one disease that is not affected by physical activity. Take the two major killers: heart disease and cancer. The heart requires exercise to grow properly. Exercise increases the peripheral arteries and decreases your cholesterol levels; it decreases your risk of heart disease by at least half.
Breast cancers and many other reproductive tissue cancers also respond strongly to exercise. Other factors being constant, women who have engaged in regular vigorous exercise have significantly lower cancer rates than women who have not. Colon cancer has been shown to be reduced by up to 30 percent by exercise. There are also benefits for mental health—depression, anxiety, the list is incredibly long.
AA: What can we do about our maladaptive traits?
DL: If we want to practice preventive medicine, that means we have to eat foods that we might not prefer, and exercise when we don't want to. The only way to do that is through some form of socially acceptable coercion. There is a reason why we require good food and exercise in school—otherwise the kids won't get enough of it. Right now we are dropping those requirements around the world.
DL: If we want to practice preventive medicine, that means we have to eat foods that we might not prefer, and exercise when we don't want to. The only way to do that is through some form of socially acceptable coercion. There is a reason why we require good food and exercise in school—otherwise the kids won't get enough of it. Right now we are dropping those requirements around the world.
If we are going to solve these health problems, we have to
push ourselves to act in our own self-interest. As a society, as a
culture, we have to somehow agree that it's necessary or face the
consequence—which is billions of unfit, overweight people.
AA: Has evolution given us any instincts that promote exercise?
DL: Yes. It's important to recognize that the body isn't adapted only in one way or another. There are multiple competing adaptations. While it's true that many of our instincts are to not like exercise, we also have other adaptations that make us enjoy exercise. The most obvious example is the runner's high.
DL: Yes. It's important to recognize that the body isn't adapted only in one way or another. There are multiple competing adaptations. While it's true that many of our instincts are to not like exercise, we also have other adaptations that make us enjoy exercise. The most obvious example is the runner's high.
You Don't Eat Well Before You Sleep. That's Why You Don't Sleep Well When You Sleep!
Lack Of Sleep? Overeat!
You Don't Get Enough Sleep Or Sleep At The Right Hours Either. That's Why You're Fat.
You Don't Get Enough Sleep Or Sleep At The Right Hours Either. That's Why You're Fat.
Get You Some Sleep. Getchu Sum!
Did you get enough sleep last night? A typical American spends an average of 7.5 hours in bed every night but sleeps for only 6.1 hours, 1 hour less than the national average from 1970, and between 2 and 3 hours less than 1900. In addition, only a third of American take naps. Most people sleep alone or with a single partner in soft, warm beds raised several feet off the floor, and we often force our babies and children to sleep like adults in an isolated or nearly isolated state in their own rooms with as little sensory stimulus as possible: little light, no sounds, no smells, and no social activity.
You may prefer such sleeping habits, but they are modern and comparatively bizarre. A compilation of reports on the sleeping customs of hunter-gatherers, pastoralists, and subsistence farmers suggests that, until recently, humans rarely slept in solitary, isolated conditions, not sharing their beds with children and other family members; people usually napped everyday; and they normally got more sleep than we do.A typical Hadza hunter-gatherer wakes up every morning at dawn (always between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. at the equator), enjoys a one- to two-hour nap at midday, and goes to bed around 9:00 p.m. People also didn't usually sleep in a single bout but considered it normal to wake in the middle of the night before having a "second sleep." In traditional cultures, beds are usually hard, and bedding is negligible to minimize fleas, bedbugs, and other parasites. People also slept in much more complex sensory environments, usually with a fire nearby, listening to the sounds of the outside world, and tolerating one another's noises, movements, and occasional sexual activities.
Many factors account for how and why we sleep so differently than we used to. One is that the Industrial Revolution transformed time and provided us with bright lights, radio, television shows, and other fun things to entertain and stimulate us well beyond an evolutionarily normal bedtime hour. For the first time in millions of years, much of the world can now stay up late, encouraging sleep deprivation. On top of that, many people today suffer from insomnia because they experience more stress from some mix of physical and psychological factors, such as too much alcohol, poor diet, lack of exercise, anxiety, depression, and various worries. It is also possible that the unusual, stimulus-free environments in which we now like to sleep further promote insomnia. Falling asleep is a gradual process in which the body goes through several stages of light sleep and the brain becomes progressively less aware of outside stimuli before entering a deep stage of sleep in which one is unaware of the outside world. For most of human evolution, this slow process may have been adaptation to help avoid falling into deep sleep in dangerous circumstances, such as when lions are prowling nearby. Having a first and second sleep during the night may have also been adaptive. Perhaps insomnia sometimes occurs because by isolating ourselves in insulated bedrooms we don't hear evolutionarily normal sounds such as the hearth crackling, people snoring, and hyenas barking far in the distance, reassuring subconscious parts of the brain that everything is okay.
Whatever the causes, we sleep less and less well than we used to, and at least 10 percent of the population in developed countries regularly experiences serious insomnia. Lack of sleep rarely kills you, but chronic sleep deprivation prevents your brain from working properly and whittles away at your health. When you are short of sleep for extended periods of time your body's hormonal system responds in several ways that used to be adaptive only during brief periods of stress. Normally when you sleep the body secretes a pulse of growth hormone, which stimulates general general growth, cell repair, and immune function, but sleep deprivation curtails this surge and instead induces the body to produce more of the hormone cortisol. High cortisol levels switch your body's metabolism from a state of growth and investment into a state of fright and flight by raising alertness and shuttling sugar into the bloodstream. This shift is useful to get you out of bed in the morning or to help you flee from a lion, but chronically high cortisol levels depress immunity, interfere with growth, and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Chronically insufficient sleep also promotes obesity. During normal sleep, the body is at est, causing levels of one hormone, leptin, to rise and another hormone, ghrelin, to fall. Leptin suppresses appetite and ghrelin stimulate appetite, so this cycle helps you avoid getting hungry in your sleep. However, when you consistently get too little sleep, your leptin levels fall and your ghrelin levels rise, effectively signaling a state of famine to your brain, regardless of how nourished you may be. Sleep-deprived people thus have more cravings, especially for carbohydrate-rich foods.
The cruelest irony about sleep in the industrial era is that sleeping well is a privilege of wealth. People with higher incomes get more sleep because they sleep more efficiently (they spend less time in bed unable to fall asleep). The likely explanation is that wealthier people are less stressed and thus fall asleep more easily. For people struggling to make ends meet, daily stress and insufficient sleep leads to a vicious circle because stress inhibits sleep and insufficient sleep elevates stress.
The Story of the Human Body. Lieberman, p. 231-233.
I'm Going To Take A Passage From Mean Genes In The Coming Weeks And Paste It To This Blog ( Regarding The Necessity Of Sleep In Removing Biochemical Waste From The Brain! ("Health Hazardous Waste!" - Walt Hazard)
I'm Going To Take A Passage From Mean Genes In The Coming Weeks And Paste It To This Blog ( Regarding The Necessity Of Sleep In Removing Biochemical Waste From The Brain! ("Health Hazardous Waste!" - Walt Hazard)